We often get a lot of questions regarding exhibitions, workflow and more and have decided to answer the most popular ones below.

It is important to realize that there are many factors that affect the pricing of a design. One of them is time. Of great importance are the terms within which it is necessary to realize the construction of the exhibition stand, because every detail of the stand and all stages of work should be thoroughly considered.
In addition to the time frame, the final price of the stand is influenced by the cost of materials, the total area of the structure, the presence and number of closed and semi-open rooms, the height of the walls, the shape of structures, and even the location of the exhibition, as it will depend on the additional fee set by each exhibition center in a particular country.
The earlier the customer contacts us with a request, the more favorable will be the final cost.

The first thing to do is to be clear about the purpose of participation. Some companies need it to maintain their image, to meet with their regular customers, and to attract potential customers. Other companies need it in order to attract the attention of the target audience, using the service of building an exclusive exhibition stand to attract special attention
An important factor is to have a plan for participation at the exhibition and training of staff to build fruitful cooperation with companies.

The design of the exhibition stand should fully reflect the ideology and policy of the company. In this aspect, a dialog between the designer and the company’s management is very important in order for both parties to present their vision of the project and eventually come to a consensus.
First of all, the stand should be functional and justify every square meter, it should be convenient for negotiations. In addition to functionality, the external expression is of great importance, because it is what attracts the attention of potential customers.
Stand design should serve as a means of self-expression and reflect what exactly the company does.

Sometimes companies decide to participate in an exhibition at the last moment. Of course, this leads to additional expenses. How to avoid even more cost overruns and time wasting in such a case?
The answer is simple – be as frank as possible with the developer. If you have no idea what the stand should look like, say so directly. State how much you can spend on the exhibition.
Also tell the developer about the goals you want to achieve. This will allow you to get the most out of the exhibition, as the builder will be able to execute a booth aimed at achieving specific results, for example: You need to sign a memorandum with an important partner and fix it. Your builder takes this into account and specially allocates and designs an area for the memorandum signing. As a result, you save time because you don’t have to redraw the design and the builder has more time to produce everything intended. ⠀
But the best solution for any company is to plan ahead to participate in an industry trade show! This is what most organizations do, and they always stay ahead.

An industry trade show can bring you maximum benefit if you prepare your company’s staff for it. Top 5 tips for doing just that:

  • Conduct a selection process. Those employees who know everything about the company, its services and products should work at the exhibition; ⠀
  • Distribute responsibilities. For example, someone will filter the flow of visitors, another should be appointed stand manager, and the third, from among the executives, should conduct negotiations;
  • Consider a dress code. Your employees can be dressed in outfits that match the theme of the exhibition or the design of the stand, or maybe in simple business suits;
  • Attracting the wrong visitors. Who do you want to attract to your stand, prospective clients or reliable partners? If your target audience is not defined, there is a high probability that the wrong people will come to your stand.
  • Call potential clients in advance to schedule meetings. This will allow you to make the most of your time at the exhibition and regulate the operation of your stand;

And most importantly, train your staff on how to greet guests at the stand.

  • Wrong color combination and lack of lighting. A brightly colored stand will attract attention, but don’t forget about your company’s brand book. Also pay attention to lighting, as most often it is not enough;
  • Too much visual information. It is better to just use the company logo and slogan and convey the essence of your business than to mottle and confuse the client.
  • Inefficient use of space. Your developer needs to be not only creative but also practical. Every meter of space allocated should be utilized correctly;
  • Unnecessary elements. Don’t add unnecessary objects to your booth, especially if you can’t utilize them to attract visitors to your booth. Remember that each object should carry a meaningful load;

If you need a stand design that sells and you want to make the most of your participation in an industry exhibition, contact us!

As a rule, there is little time for installation – 1-2 days before the opening of the exhibition. Therefore, the work of the team must be coordinated.

An exhibition stand consists of many parts. Experienced specialists connect them right in the exhibition center, turning them into an impressive construction. But first, the future stand must be delivered to the site in one piece.
It is also important to remember that each exhibition has its own rules for mounting and dismantling structures. Experienced builders study them even before they start outlining the design.
If you need an exhibition stand built according to all the rules, we can help you with that! Our experience allows us to carry out installation of any construction for an exhibition in any country of the world as quickly and qualitatively as possible!

You have found a competent and creative builder, spent a lot of money on the design and construction of the stand, and successfully held an exhibition.

What to do with the stand next and can it be used again? In any case, for each exhibition, as a rule, the stand has to be built anew and here’s why:

You will not be able to take a large-sized construction out of the exhibition center without dismantling it piece by piece. And after dismantling such an exhibition stand becomes unsuitable for reuse;
Even disassembled, the stand will take up too much space. And then, why store something that has become unusable? The appearance of the stand may vary depending on the budget allocated to the exhibition and other aspects.

If you participate in exhibitions 2-3 or more times a year, it is more profitable for you to use a reusable stand.
If you still want to use one stand for several years in a row, there is a way out! Our experts can draw and build a reusable stand for you. It can be easily disassembled and reassembled, but the cost of such structures will be more expensive.

If you are participating in an industry exhibition for the first time, one of the key points for you is the choice of a stand builder. So how to choose a stand builder and what to pay attention to?

  • Study your colleagues’ recommendations, ask them who they contacted to build their booth and what results they got;
  • Remember whether the builders themselves contacted you and what impression you got from communicating with them, whether you liked their proposals;
  • Exhibition centers can also help with the search for a developer. They usually have accredited companies with a good track record;
  • Look at the websites and pages in social networks of those developers that you are interested in, carefully consider their portfolios;

Once you have found a builder, look for accreditation and, most importantly, experience. A stand can also be built by companies dealing with outdoor advertising, furniture, store decoration, etc. But if they have minimal experience of working at exhibitions, it can lead to conflict and unnecessary expenses.

Negotiate with the builders, detail your idea and pay attention to the design and estimates they will then provide you with.”

If you intend to favorably present your company at an industry exhibition, then it is worth remembering the main rule: you need to take care of finding a place on the exhibition area in advance!
The earlier you apply for participation in the exhibition, the greater the number of stand location options will be available to you.

What can your exhibition stand be? It depends on its location, shape and size:

  • Linear or p-shaped stand – it is located in the same row with neighboring stands, open to view from one side only;
  • Corner stand – it allows to open the view from two sides, it is located at the end of the linear row;
  • Peninsula stand – it is located at the end of the row, open for viewing from three sides. It is suitable for demonstration of large-sized goods;
  • Stand-island – located in the most prominent places of Expocenters, visible to visitors from all sides. If it is designed correctly, it attracts the largest number of visitors.

We have already talked many times about how important a well thought-out booth is at an industry exhibition. What else is necessary for participation in an exhibition event to have an effect? Of course, we are talking about qualified standeers – specialists who will represent the company at the exhibition.


Stand holders – not just introduce visitors to the exhibitor’s services and products, but are also the face of the company. Therefore, they should:

  • Greet visitors standing up and be sure to smile;
  • Be friendly with everyone who visits the stand, be able to answer any questions of the guests;
  • Express gratitude to visitors for their attention to the company;
  • Attract visitors to the stand and much more.⠀

If you need experienced booth builders, we can help you with your choice.

Participation in industry exhibitions costs money. They are paid both for the right to present the company at the event and for a high-quality exhibition stand. If it is thought out to the smallest detail, the investment will certainly pay off. A successful exhibition stand attracts the attention of visitors, contains information about the exhibitor’s products or services, is made in accordance with the company’s brand book and is well divided into zones (people are comfortable working on this stand, they do not interfere with each other and each separated place has its own value).

Here are just some of the techniques that will help make your booth successful, and therefore, well attended:

  • Adding moving elements;
  • Musical accompaniment;
  • Use of fragrances;
  • Involvement of promoters. Anything that can attract visitors and make you stand out!

Participation in industry exhibitions gives companies a lot of advantages. The main thing is to know how to use them. If you want your business to bring a solid income, and the company existed on the market for a long time and prospered, regular participation in exhibitions and fairs – this is exactly what you need.

Industry exhibitions will help:

  • Form a positive image of the enterprise;
  • Conduct a powerful advertising campaign;
  • Establish effective contacts with partners;
  • Recognize the weaknesses and strengths of competitors.

Our specialists will help you to create an exclusive and memorable exhibition stand.

  • Will create a creative stand design.
  • Will supervise the construction.
  • Provide exhibition equipment for rent.

Accreditation is compliance with the standards set by exhibition centers, organizers or other venues where the event takes place. Any exhibition stand builder must comply with the rules set by the venue where the work is taking place. When communicating with companies at exhibitions, many often complain about the organizers for the additional invoice and fines during the work of the installation team. This is due to the fact that, most often, your builder was not competent and did not pass accreditation, as a result, you pay for the mistakes of the builder. Most often, such builders did not work at exhibitions or simply decided to bypass the rules and gave a price lower than the rest – as a result, the exhibitors have to pay for all the errors incurred. All responsibility for additional costs associated with the production of the stand after the approval of the design project and estimates lies solely with your builder. Check if your builder is accredited – this will help you avoid unnecessary costs and risks.”

Over the years we have developed clients for whom we have become partners and on whom they can entrust the work with the stand and related costs at trade fairs. Since the field of our activity extends beyond Uzbekistan, we provide services for our clients in Central Asia, Russia, Europe, UAE and other remote areas where our clients want to participate.

This is done in the following way: we are informed about the country, venue, date and everything else so that we can take into account the budget. Then our partners wait for us to find and provide them with a solution. We in turn handle logistics, accreditation, design and related costs. We then forward the solution to the client and get to work.